DIY Brush & Razor Stand

Contributed by Ximple

This is a post to share with budget-conscious wetshavers a way to keep their brushes dry in a neat and practical manner.

While strolling around Daiso several months ago , I figured out a way to improvise a $2 kitchen gadget to be a Brush and Razor Stand.

I’ve been using the setup below for the last 3 months or so and am really satisfied with it.

This setup allows for unobstructed airflow around the brush so the hairs dry faster. Gravity helps to pull the dampness down to the tips of the hairs. With more airflow at the tips, the rate of evaporation is greatly improved. If the brush is dried with the handle on the ground, there is the risk of dampness forming at the base of the knot of hair that may result in damp and funky smelling brushes.

Since the glass holder is made for kitchen use, the chrome layer will not easily deteriorate quickly when it is used in a wet environment. Over the last 3 months or so, there’s been no sign of any rust.

With this setup, the brush is clamped snugly enough to keep it in place. There is also the option of modding this setup to hang 2 brushes.


1. From Daiso, get a $2 glass holder. The glass holders come in various sizes so do check the diameter of your handle at it’s slimmest point and get one that will not stretch the handles arms apart too much.

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2. Use a pair of pliers to cut apart one ear of the glass holder right at its center. This will separate both arms of that ear (Refer to the right ear of the stand in the picture below).

Beware of the jagged edges at the cut ends as they can scratch the handle of your brush. You may choose to file the ends, cover them with small pieces of electrical tape or slip some tiny rubber hose over both of the separated arms to protect your handle from scratches. Mine are cheap brushes so I decided not to go that extra mile.

The rubber band on the left ear of the glass holder is to prevent my razor from falling off when the setup is moved.

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3. Just drop your razor into the hole fromed by the rubber band on the left ear. To mount your brush, gently push your brush handle from the center of the setup outwards towards the cut ends. The arms, which have been cut apart, will bend apart to accommodate your handle snugly.

This image has been resized.Click to view original image

Hope this solution will benefit all wetshavers.

May you all enjoy your wetshaving experience.

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